On Tuesday, as many of you know, we had a little
Wilco shindig. Well,
we're happy to announce that it went above and beyond our own admittedly-large expectations. It was pretty funny, actually. The party started at 6pm, and literally up until about 5:58pm or so, everything was normal. There were several people in the store perusing away and we'd started playing
Sky Blue Sky a little early just for funsies. Then the clock clicked over into the new hour, and just like magic, there was a line out the door. Unbelievable. It was pretty real there for a while, and the beer and pizza kept running out, but in the end, all was well. Thanks to everyone who came! Hopefully we can do something like this again very soon. In the midst of all the craziness, we didn't find time to give away all the great stuff we promised in the email. Don't worry, though, as that will happen soon. Winners will be announced on the blog and in the email. We'll also call, so watch that phone! And now, some photos. Enjoy...

You'd think Jeff Tweedy and Co. were actually in the store, judging from how packed it was for a while.

Decatur CD legend,
Wilco fan and soon-to-be poet legend,
Melissa, expressed some serious love for the vinyl edition of the album. So did a few other folks, as we sold out by the end of the evening.

The parking lot got a little ridiculous. Not pictured here is the back of the store, where the dumpster had two three cars layered in front of it. Silly people...

Nothing like having a little crowd out in front of the store to attract more party goers. As we think it's particularly purty, this one will be going up on the

By night's end, Kerry and Eliot were sick and tired of the word "Wilco." It's cool, though: We let them rest and now they're OK with those five letters again.

Meanwhile, Austin spent a lot of time looking concerned and/or angry. Rest assured, though, he was having a great time.
Michael Bublé was our bouncer for the evening, throwing out all riff raff, trouble makers and ne'er-do-wells as they tried to infiltrate our gathering. Unfortunately, as we're a truly ungrateful lot, we mocked him with a sign. Nothing personal, Bublé, ol' chum!
Labels: listening party, MySpace, Wilco