We had one crazy weekend with the Art Walk, the in-store performances and everything else. Instead of trying to sum it up in (too many) words, enjoy some photos:

The human head weighs 32 pounds. And costs $2000. Just ask
Jigsaw James, our artist-in-residence on Friday.

Not to be outdone,
David Stephens busily put together his latest artistic creation, Dinky Rabbits. He sold a few of the charmingly bugged-eyed little creatures, too.

Meanwhile, while I, the ever-vigilant
Security Chicken, hung watch from above and made sure there was no funny business going on, a fairly insane amount of customers perused the racks and sipped on delicious (and free) high-gravity beer. Mmm...

...and while they perused, The Drunken Coats played a lengthy, high-energy set, covering the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, The Kinks and some old-timey goodness along the way. Oh, wait, the name of the band is The Floating Coats. But hey, if you had seen the way these guys put away the drinks (and spilt them on the floor), you'd understand our slip of the tongue.

On Saturday,
David Mead graced the store with his presence, playing several numbers from his latest album,
Tangerine, and cracking us up with between-song banter.

Just a couple hours after he finished serenading the very flowers in the photo above (just kidding), Mead played
Eddie's Attic.
Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the weekend with us!