The third birthday celebration of Decatur CD is nearly upon us. With that, there is much excitement and much to announce. Tomorrow night,
as you should already know, The Selmanaires (visit their
MySpace page to listen to songs if you're not familiar - such a great band!) will perform a free set of electrified rock 'n' roll at 7pm. But we do have a couple other tricks up our sleeve...
As the logo above might indicate, we've purchased a rather sizeable keg of Rye Pale Ale from our pals at
Terrapin to use as a part of our Friday night festivities. We will crack that sucker open right around the time the band starts its set, and anyone who is 21 years of age or older can help themselves to some delicious free beer until it's gone.
Additionally, beginning at 5pm, everything in the store will go on sale for 20% off the regular price. Box sets, used and new discs of all genres and basically anything else that's not tied down will be a full 1/5 off. The sale will continue until closing on Sunday night, so don't miss out on the hot deals.
That's pretty much it. Our birthday. A great rock band. Free beer. Cheap tunes. What more can you ask for? We'll see you there. Bring some cake...