Scott Pilgrim. 23 Years Old. Status: Totally Awesome

Hello, internet. Long time no blog. What, you ask, has brought me out of my blogging hibernation? Well it's nothing short of the attainment of a lifelong goal. You see, I've always wanted to work at a record store because I love music. Just as much as I love music, however, I love comic books. And now I work at a store that also sells comics!
No, we're not axing the reggae section and installing boxes of Superman comics. In fact, we don't have very many comics at all. But it's worth writing about because Decatur CD now stocks the most relentlessly fun graphic novel series (way more respectable than "comics," right?) on the shelves today: Scott Pilgrim. Written and drawn by Canadian wunderkid Bryan Lee O'Malley.
If you click that link, you'll see that Scott Pilgrim has a video game in the works. It's only natural for a book about a guy that has to defeat a series of his girlfriend's evil ex-boyfriends to earn her love! Scott Pilgrim combines the action of super-hero comics with the hipness of manga--but way more intelligent than the bulk of either genre. And because we like to keep things music-related at Decatur CD, Scott plays in a band with Stephen Stills and Young Neil (no relation).
Remember, to share in the joy of comics you don't have to move into your parents' basement and read Wolverine, just swing by Decatur CD and pick up one of the Scott Pilgrim volumes we stock. And when the movie comes out, think how cool your friends will think you are!
Labels: comic books, Scott Pilgrim