Jim Threlkeld & Co. photos
Labels: in-store performance, Jim Threlkeld, The Floating Coats, theremin
Decatur CD stands for "Decatur Compact Disc," but don't let the name fool you--we also stock tons of new and used vinyl, music-related DVDs/Blu-Rays and a smattering of cassettes. Most notably, however, we have one Travis Tritt cassingle.
Labels: in-store performance, Jim Threlkeld, The Floating Coats, theremin
Isn't a theremin one of those "spooky music" machines that makes the "wooo-ooo" sounds in old vampire movies? I recently saw a Flaming Lips performance in which they employed one those bad boys.
That funny little instrument is a Melodica -- kind of a mix between a harmonica and an accordian.
Indeed, Samantha, that's the theremin. And it rules really hard.
Thanks, anonymous! We were having a brain fart...
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