Saturday, May 08, 2010

David Stephens: Renaissance Man

If we've blogged about our buddy David Stephens once, we've blogged about him a thousand times, but with good reason. Dude's a modern day renaissance man: puppeteer, blogger, banjo monster, maker of Beasties, myriad other skills. So you can imagine how pleased we were this morning when he tweeted us his latest creation, a thoroughly charming video you can watch below:

It looks a little janky embedded in Blogger, and we'd recommend you watch it in all its full-screen glory.

Enjoy. It's the kind of lighthearted fare that's simply perfect for a lovely Saturday like today. And remember, you can buy all three of David's albums from your friends at Decatur CD. Speaking of albums, David e-mailed us this, "New album should be out in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed."

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