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Decatur CD stands for "Decatur Compact Disc," but don't let the name fool you--we also stock tons of new and used vinyl, music-related DVDs/Blu-Rays and a smattering of cassettes. Most notably, however, we have one Travis Tritt cassingle.
It pleases me that you would wish to link to Crowdpleaser.
I just got my tickets to Lollapalooza here in Chicago...my first real music festival! Shit yeah!
I also saw some great shows in March! [url=http://www.cx-1.com/]
Like CX-1[/url] opening for the Drew Emmit Band (featuring Mark van Allen on pedal steel -- so sweet and perfectly enhancing!) at Smith's.
Then [url=http://www.larrykeel.com/]Larry Keel and Natural Bridge[/url] at the Red Light Cafe. Larry and Jenny Keel & co. have been playing the Red Light for years, and they played to a full house of appreciative fans and friends. Authentic acoustic virtuosity at its finest!
Caught the tail end of a fun dunch set by Asheville's[url=http://www.whosethatrecords.com]Mad Tea Party[/url] at the Earl one fine Sunday. My 18 month old daughter is a huge fan of their uplifting hokum (as am I), but the Earl is not kid-friendly, so here's hoping they play someplace else next time. Graveyard in EAV?
Then, whoa: at the last minute, I was treated by a friend to an early birthday present. I went to the second (demand-added) midnight show of Prince featuring Tamar at the Tabernacle. I'm still not over it... what a high! And the fulfillment of a lifetime wish to see Prince in concert (Mom wouldn't let me go to the Purple Rain tour). I can't believe I got to see him at such a cool, small venue. His guitar playing was incredible (mostly on Telecaster, my personal favorite), and Tamar was excellent -- very old-school-Tina-meets-Aretha-meets... well, Prince! Beautiful light show and plenty of funk theatrics, too. Wow.
Warren & Decatur CD, thank you for being. I'm really enjoying the Elbow and Judee Sill re-issues I picked up last time I was in. And the Wood Brothers! Whose show I ended up missing because of Prince. Damn. But, yaknow. Prince!
Patty O'Furniture
sorry about those non-links!
Great idea. Lets all return the favor, eh kids?
Thanks for the responses, ya'll. Give us a couple days to get your blogs linked. And thanks in advance for the return links. More coming soon!
Lady Crumpet's Armoire
Your store is one of my favorite places to buy music!
All right, you should all be added to our blogroll now. Keep checking in, and we'll talk soon...
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