Roll call!

Decatur CD stands for "Decatur Compact Disc," but don't let the name fool you--we also stock tons of new and used vinyl, music-related DVDs/Blu-Rays and a smattering of cassettes. Most notably, however, we have one Travis Tritt cassingle.
Humble reader checking in, sir. Wouldn't mind a link one bit.
You know I'm readin'! I like the readin'. Especially when it pertains to all things Decatur CD. Love from your distinguished alumna!
Check in fairly regularly and always enjoy what I see. Keep on truckin', Warren
I'm reading! I subscribed to the RSS feed (using Bloglines) the day you announced it.
Great blog, WH. Thanks for taking time to do it! -Doug.
Fan of the store and the blog. Although my blog isn't always about music feel free to link away
National Grain, reporting for duty.
Love the Store
Thanks for working the blog!!!
How could I not read the Decatur CD blog? My good friend/former roommate/current obsessor Austin L. Ray works there! Here's hoping I'm your first Chicago-based reader...
very cool store and the blog aint too shabby either.
Oddly enough, we have one other confirmed Chicago reader, and his name is also Patrick. Eerie.
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