Happy Valentine's Day!

Sincere: Os Mutantes' Os Mutantes - Because nothing says true love like an album that features a song from a McDonald's commercial. Actually, this record is full of catchy Brazilian ditties. It's the perfect soundtrack for walking hand in hand with your loved one through a park. Share those ear buds, people!
Ironic: Black Flag's Damaged - Putting this album on will (maybe) ease the shock of unveiling to your significant other that the gift you got them this year is a Black Flag bars tattoo on your forehead. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie!

Sincere: Iron & Wine's The Creek Drank the Cradle - As gentle and forgiving as a lover's embrace, this record is filled with hushed, acoustic beauty. "Lion's Mane" is worth it for the price of admission alone. It's one of the best modern-day love songs, period.
Ironic: My Bloody Valentine's Loveless - A cliche choice, perhaps, but the band and album name are a perfectly bitter combination for Feb. 14 listening. Plus, if you play it loud enough, the swirly guitars will obliterate all those pesky feelings of self-loathing. It's impossible to think about anything else when Loveless is turned to 11.
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