Techung In-Store Performance

We here at Decatur CD are proud to present what just might be our most exciting in-store performance yet, the prolific Tibetan singer-songwriter Techung. Techung will be performing in store at Decatur CD on October 17th at 7 pm. After growing up in exile in Dharamsala, India, Techung now lives in San Fransisco. Though he is best known for his performance of traditional Tibetan music, Techung is no stranger to contemporary music. The satin-voiced singer has gathered quite an impressive resume over the past several years that includes scoring the popular IMAX film Everest and opening for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. What does all that mean? It means he's going to put on an incredible show.
Oh, and, about the Dalai Lama? Well, His Holiness is delivering a free speech that is open to the public at Centennial Park on Monday, October 22nd. The gates will open at 1pm and musical entertainment begins at 3pm. Be sure to get there on time for Techung's performance and stick around for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of hearing the Dalai Lama speak. Don't forget to check out the many other great events taking place at Emory in honor of His Holiness's visit, including a full concert by Techung, accompanied by Sonam Lhamo, Tsering Phuntsok, and Tenzin Kalsang at Emory's Carlos Museum on October 19th at 7pm. There's a lot of great stuff going on a Emory this month. Don't miss out!
So, friendly blog-readers, make good on this rare chance to experience the beautiful music of Tibet for free right here in the friendly, intimate confines of Decatur CD and maybe even support a good cause (Emory's Students for a Free Tibet). Events this cool and important don't happen a lot, folks. So, stop on by the store (bring the family!) on October 17th at 7pm for something truly special, the music of Techung.
Oh, and, about the Dalai Lama? Well, His Holiness is delivering a free speech that is open to the public at Centennial Park on Monday, October 22nd. The gates will open at 1pm and musical entertainment begins at 3pm. Be sure to get there on time for Techung's performance and stick around for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of hearing the Dalai Lama speak. Don't forget to check out the many other great events taking place at Emory in honor of His Holiness's visit, including a full concert by Techung, accompanied by Sonam Lhamo, Tsering Phuntsok, and Tenzin Kalsang at Emory's Carlos Museum on October 19th at 7pm. There's a lot of great stuff going on a Emory this month. Don't miss out!
So, friendly blog-readers, make good on this rare chance to experience the beautiful music of Tibet for free right here in the friendly, intimate confines of Decatur CD and maybe even support a good cause (Emory's Students for a Free Tibet). Events this cool and important don't happen a lot, folks. So, stop on by the store (bring the family!) on October 17th at 7pm for something truly special, the music of Techung.
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